Friday, April 23, 2010

Tot School: Ocean Animals

Tot School
E is 27 months old

For Tot School this week, we learned about different animals that live in the ocean.  I used this Tot Book for many of the activities.

E sorted seashells.  I had several different kinds and sizes, so she sorted into four cups.  She tried SO HARD to use tongs for this, but it turned out to be too difficult and she resorted to using her fingers.

We worked on counting from 1 to 5 with the ocean animal counting cards.  We used more seashells for counters.  E can count pretty well, at least through 11.  She has trouble knowing when to stop, though.  I'm hoping these cards will help with that.

I made cards with pictures of ocean life on them and their labels.  When she's ready, I'll turn them into three-part cards, but for now she is working on matching her plastic animals with their picture.  The different sharks and whales can be tricky for her, but she's doing well with the activity as a whole!

Letter matching with ocean animal ABC cards.  I used our wooden magnetic letters for her to match with the cards.  She LOVES this activity.  I will have to find some lowercase letters for her to match to the uppercase as well.

I put out a tub of water and all of her animals that live or spend time in the water for her to play with.  I also included some rocks and her little mermaid dolls.  She has had great fun swimming all the animals around, and even went down to the playroom for some additional animals.  She said the monkey needed to go to the swimming pool.  Um . . . ok??

Our non-theme activities this week included a car matching puzzle, stacking/nesting blocks, and her farm lacing beads.

We made some fish sun catchers for art this week.  I still have to get them hung in the window, but I think they are beautiful, and E had a blast making them.

Our other art activity this week was a color lesson, E had to color each animal the color of the words.  I worked with her on it, as she didn't notice the different colored words right away.  But she told me what each animal was and what color the words with it were, found the correct color, and did some scribbling.  :)


sbswtp said...

Great week! So many fun activities :)

Erica said...

Your ocean week looks like a lot of fun. I know that my little one would love those activities. I'll have to file them away for when we do ocean animals.

Counting Coconuts said...

What a fantastic week! Love the ocean theme!

Susan-Chasing Marcus said...

Some how I have never visited your blog before. We must be on the same wave length because we did many of the same activities for our ocean week a couple of weeks ago. I made the same ocean cards for my daughters toob animals as well. I have several sets made up so before you make another one feel free to visit my blog and leave a comment and I will email you the files. I hate for you to do the same thing again!

Musical Mama said...

Thanks, Susan, I will take you up on the files. They're easy to make but time consuming!!

Unknown said...

I love your activities with the lapbook. I am putting together my son's Ocean book because we are going to the beach soon for vacation. Is there any chance I could get your file on the ocean animal cards where your daughter matched the animal to the card? Thanks!!