E is 23 months old
E had a great week of tot school this past week. It has been SO COLD and snowy here, I have just wanted to hibernate inside, and that means we need lots of activities to occupy E so I'm not tempted to plop her in front of the tv.
Tot Trays/Learning Toys:I went with a new method this week for our tot trays. I still don't have a good space for them, and they live on top of the piano when we are not using them. So when it's time for school, I put them all on the floor. Then I have E choose the one she wants to work with and carry it (with help) over to the rug. When we are finished, E puts away all her materials and I help her carry it back to the rest of the trays and put it away.
This week's new tray, and a smash hit, was the water transfering. We used a sponge, and I showed her how to let the sponge soak up the water from one bowl and squeeze it into the other bowl. There were a few spills, but I gave her a dishcloth and had her clean up the mess herself. We did this one every day, and it was so much fun, she requested it from her grandma on Saturday as well!

Counting things that go with markers:


I found this puzzle at Target the other day. E actually likes it better than a lot of her wooden puzzles. Once she saw what to do, it was pretty easy for her. The puzzle comes with 20 matches, I split them up into sets of 5.

Blocks! Mommy made a "block train," and E had fun destroying it!

Our red shape sorter is a perpetual hit:
Alphabet/Reading Basket:We revisited letter A this week to make a letter A Advent wreath for the fridge:

Our reading basket included many Christmas and winter books this week. I will put up the list next week, as they will stay the same until Christmas.
Arts and Crafts:Along with the fridge letter Advent wreath we made, we also got started on our toilet paper roll Advent wreath. One of E's tot trays for the week was to rip up a sheet of green construction paper. This was harder for her than I thought. I think the paper was too heavy for her to rip easily.

We also wrote our letter to Santa, and colored him a picture!
Pictures of the Week:We did some imagination play with all E's toys, putting them all into a parade.

Then E took one of her cars and led the parade with a "vroom, vroom!"

To see what others are doing in tot school, visit Carissa's blog