Oh, my! I just realized I haven't posted anything since February!! In this post, I hope to catch everyone up on the goings-on over here since I last posted. :)
New projects!
Here is a sampling of the projects I have completed recently. It is only a sampling! I see some craft-alongs that are the "50 projects" or "100 projects this year" craft-alongs and I laugh. I feel like I finish 50 projects in a month sometimes!! But these I'm exceptionally proud of.

Felt Sushi, made for a swap, but another set is in the works for E. I am so addicted to felt food right now! I have made this sushi, a set of hamburgers and fries, salad, summer squash, and celery. I am participating in the Play Food Sweat Shop Swap on craftster.org - I have gotten so much nice play food! I have given E a little bit of it to play with, but most is getting put away to give to her for Christmas with a play kitchen - yay!

These are two outfits for a friend of mine from MOPS. I was her "mystery mom" - kinda like a secret Santa, but it lasted all year, and this was my final present to her. I got to practice more sewing skills and do some new things: rows of buttons for the shirt fronts, shorts, collars, and sleeves! Yay! I pretty happy with how they turned out, too, and I think they fit the kiddos as well. :)

Here's yet another baby gift! This one is for my cousin and his SO who had their first baby girl yesterday!! I got this gift off to them just in time! I love doing these little appliques - I really like the way the apples turned out. Those are from the Alexander Henry fabric I bought to make me pajama pants. (Which I also love!) The Japanese one is a stencil, and the baby carriage is an iron-on. It says "That's how I roll" - which I think they will really get a kick out of. I love love love these baby bibs. I have a whole pile of them to make for various friends having babies. Then I am going to make some with pockets for E.

Last to share today is the outfit I made for E. Just so you can see that I do make some things for her, as well as all this stuff for other people! The stencil is my design - so proud of it! - and I also dyed the shirt. These longies are the first ones I've knitted. They turned out pretty well, I think. So, yes, a matching set for my munchkin!
I hope to get another post up very soon - after the holiday weekend, and I should have some good mountain and hiking photos to share!